The Saturnian Irregulars -- ORBITAL home page

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This page presents current best estimates of the orital characterisitcs of the irregular satellites of Saturn.

The elements below have been provided by a three independent scientists on the basis of fully independent approaches to the astrometric data.
Some orbital calculations differ by the assumed reference plane, and others are 'averaged'; small differences in the elements below are to be expected.

NEW! JPL orbital element estimates (link to JPL Satellite mean orbits web page) -- calculated by R. Jacobson, JPL

NEW! Bill Gray's orbital estimates at Gray's summary table from the above web page
(this table may be less recent that that on the preceeding web page).

Orbits at a glance: 
                Incl  Node    Peri   ecc    a    P       H   dia*   Arc
               (deg)  (deg)  (deg)        (AU)  (yrs)  (mag) (km)

Phoebe         173.2  263.0  352.1  .175  .086  1.49    6.9  240   1904-1999   
S/2000 S 1     172.8  206.5   39.6  .363  .153  3.53   11.9   20    7 Aug 00-20 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 2      46.1  351.9  239.6  .458  .101  1.89   11.5   25    7 Aug 00-19 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 3      48.6   63.7   63.9  .361  .119  2.42   10.2   45   23 Sep 00-22 Oct 01 
S/2000 S 4      34.9   94.5  284.8  .634  .119  2.44   12.5   16   23 Sep 00-10 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 5      48.4  352.1   91.8  .160  .076  1.23   12.3   17    7 Aug 00-24 Aug 01 
S/2000 S 6      49.4  151.4   70.5  .367  .076  1.24   12.8   14   23 Sep 00-19 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 7     174.9  246.4   88.6  .557  .134  2.91   14.0    7   23 Sep 00-20 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 8     148.6  285.3  210.6  .215  .104  1.98   13.8    8   23 Sep 00-20 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 9     169.7   79.6  295.8  .229  .126  2.64   14.1    7   23 Sep 00-19 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 10     33.7  142.8  284.8  .612  .119  2.42   13.3   10   23 Sep 00-19 Sep 01 
S/2000 S 11     37.2  110.2   60.2  .472  .109  2.13   10.9   30    9 Nov 00-23 Oct 01 
S/2000 S 12    174.7  253.2   76.2  .109  .132  2.83   14.0    7   23 Sep 00-19 Sep 01 
                Incl  Node    Peri   ecc    a    P      H     dia   Arc

Magnitude at opposition = H + 9.5 (roughly). 

* Diameters assumes a 5% albedo, like that of Phoebe. 


FOLLOWING MPC orbital elements use all information available up to Dec 18/2001.

S/2000 S 1
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M  43.96653              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.27101350     Peri.   42.43394     -0.96178900     +0.26769460
a   0.1557901      Node   207.06661     +0.20483381     +0.84277990
e   0.3746580      Incl.  172.74556     +0.18167284     +0.46697072
P   3.64           H   12.3           P/d  1328.35
>From 22 observations 2000 Aug. 7-2001 Sept. 20, mean residual 0".27.            

S/2000 S 2
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 285.44829              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.52565537     Peri.  241.98116     -0.56911221     +0.81281589
a   0.1001689      Node   350.02901     -0.22887340     -0.30174411
e   0.4618653      Incl.   45.86246     -0.78976468     -0.49827786
P   1.88           H   11.9           P/d   684.86
>From 37 observations 2000 Aug. 7-2001 Sept. 19, mean residual 0".27.            
S/2000 S 3
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M  95.76220              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.39267207     Peri.   65.94181     -0.36204168     -0.64644029
a   0.1216691      Node    63.72412     +0.30906902     -0.76296193
e   0.3804753      Incl.   48.50265     +0.87943287     +0.00201216
P   2.51           H   10.6           P/d   916.80
>From 30 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Oct. 22, mean residual 0".37.           
S/2000 S 4
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 154.77653              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.40004074     Peri.  285.65578     +0.77015795     -0.28445672
a   0.1201704      Node    93.78833     +0.51406928     +0.80667948
e   0.6125237      Incl.   34.90118     -0.37761025     +0.51802760
P   2.46           H   12.8           P/d   899.91
>From 29 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Sept. 19, mean residual 0".25.          
S/2000 S 5
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 336.24529              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.80071134     Peri.   91.25720     +0.07279153     -0.99165052
a   0.0756629      Node   351.81548     +0.30839329     +0.12387767
e   0.1658184      Incl.   48.39259     +0.94846980     +0.03582689
P   1.23           H   12.5           P/d   449.60
>From 29 observations 2000 Aug. 7-2001 Aug. 24, mean residual 0".25.             
S/2000 S 6
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 191.01573              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.79645970     Peri.   70.72990     -0.58802797     +0.72065932
a   0.0759319      Node   150.96758     -0.63222997     -0.69271858
e   0.3592355      Incl.   49.17794     +0.50448822     -0.02812674
P   1.24           H   13.2           P/d   452.00
>From 33 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Sept. 19, mean residual 0".40.          
S/2000 S 7
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPEC 2001-X20
M 214.91469              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.34200174     Peri.   86.55527     -0.93427770     +0.34717761
a   0.1334079      Node   246.25373     +0.28165470     +0.85828007
e   0.5653018      Incl.  174.91079     +0.21862253     +0.37791934
P   2.88           H   14.3           P/d  1052.63
>From 23 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Nov. 15, mean residual 0".29.           
S/2000 S 8
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M  76.91155              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.50103889     Peri.  207.64737     +0.14527958     +0.85351278
a   0.1034235      Node   285.50739     +0.97626698     -0.04155986
e   0.2117209      Incl.  148.71370     +0.16061331     -0.51941190
P   1.97           H   14.2           P/d   718.51
>From 20 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Sept. 20, mean residual 0".29.          
S/2000 S 9
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 352.52507              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.38593448     Peri.  299.99185     -0.75174332     +0.63596805
a   0.1230811      Node    79.91956     +0.64946869     +0.66812939
e   0.2123419      Incl.  169.79520     +0.11433456     +0.38619653
P   2.55           H   14.5           P/d   932.80
>From 20 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Sept. 19, mean residual 0".30.          
S/2000 S 10
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 210.08040              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.40576657     Peri.  290.50996     +0.25496039     -0.88998984
a   0.1190372      Node   138.09421     +0.95282042     +0.29783277
e   0.6093181      Incl.   34.47206     -0.16470714     +0.34527339
P   2.43           H   13.6           P/d   887.21
>From 25 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Sept. 19, mean residual 0".29.          
S/2000 S 11
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, MPC 43761
M 327.01603              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.45678422     Peri.   59.56192     -0.81360891     -0.09590439
a   0.1100001      Node   109.23802     +0.02349051     -0.99091872
e   0.4562334      Incl.   37.39920     +0.58093780     -0.09424671
P   2.16           H   11.4           P/d   788.12
>From 31 observations 2000 Nov. 9-2001 Oct. 23, mean residual 0".48.             
S/2000 S 12
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Marsden, unpublished
M 178.85568              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.36302172     Peri.   73.04856     -0.99602125     +0.00349891
a   0.1282071      Node   252.91753     -0.03446862     +0.90633393
e   0.1443129      Incl.  174.65474     +0.08218022     +0.42254770
P   2.72           H   14.5           P/d   991.68
>From 25 observations 2000 Sept. 23-2001 Nov. 15, mean residual 0".30.           

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