Bibliographic References

The following documents are publications related to the discovery of the irregular satellies.

B. Gladman, P. Nicholson, J.A. Burns, J. Kavelaars, B. Marsden, G. Williams, and W. Offut. (1998) Discovery of two distant irregular moons of Uranus. Nature, 392, 897-899.

IAU telegram 6764 (31 Oct 1997, Discovery of Caliban and Sycorax)

IAU telegram 6765 (31 Oct 1997, Initial orbits for Caliban and Sycorax)

IAU telegram 6833 (7 Mar 1998, Ephemerides for Caliban and Sycorax)

IAU telegram 6869 (7 Apr 1998, Recovery of Sycorax)

IAU telegram 6870 (7 Apr 1998, Recovery of Caliban)

IAU telegram 7230 (27 July 1999, Discovery of S/1999 U 1 and U 2)

IAU telegram 7248 (4 Sept 1999, Discovery of S/1999 U 3)

B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, M. Holman, J-M. Petit, H. Scholl, P. Nicholson, and J.A. Burns. (2000) The Discovery of Uranus XIX, XX, and XXI. Icarus, in press.

IAU telegram 7447 (3 July 2000, Recovery of S/1999 U 3)

IAU telegram 7450 (3 July 2000, Recovery of S/1999 U 1)

IAU telegram 7473 (3 July 2000, Recovery of S/1999 U 2)