A star at the frontier between p- and g-modes: Herculis

P. Mathias - C. Waelkens

Received 8 December 1994; accepted 5 January 1995


Six nights have been devoted to an intensive spectroscopic study (410 spectra in the Hdelta domain) of the star iota Her. Our data sampling is not suitable to undertake a period determination, but none of the previous published periods seem to be valid to represent the variations we observe. This is certainly due to a multiperiodic phenomenon. Thanks to the short exposure time, we strongly suspect a short time scale variability in addition to the longer periods. Therefore, two time scales would be involved, one being of the order of a day, the other being of the order of an hour, this latter having a 2K-amplitude around 0.8 km/s, slightly varying. The short tiome scale is clearly detected at least in 5 nights, and concerns all the studied lines. the night-to-night variations (frequency, amplitude) measured are certainly due to the beat-modulation with the longer periods.
From the pulsation theory, the long and short time scales can respectively be attributed to high-order g- and p-modes. Indeed, iota Her lies in the HR diagram at the frontier where p- and g-modes are excited due to the metal opacity bump mechanism.

Keywords: stars: oscillations -- stars: 53 Persei : iota Her

