Wavelet analysis of the Voyager data on planetary rings. I. Description of the method

In this paper we present a new method which allows us to extract signal from low (of the order of 1) signal to noise ratio data. The noise is almost completely removed, and the significance of the resulting signal is quantified against pure chance fluctuations. The technique is based on a wavelet transform, and uses a crude pattern--recognition algorithm in the space--scale plane to extract the interesting information. This method has been applied to simulated signals with signal to noise ratio ranging from 0.4 to 2. and the reconstructed signals are shown. From the wavelet transform coefficients, it is possible to gain some quantitative information on the size of the detected structures. As a first real case application, we present the analysis of the Encke gap ringlet in the Saturn's rings. We show that its detailed shape contain at least two peaks, and that its total width is about 8 km, while the width of the left peak is about 1.5 km.