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ETC-8 will be in Barcelona
Instructions to authors The next 8 links contain recent information (June 13, 1998)
 Arrival information (reaching hotels, final registration,...)
 Flight arrival information
 Practical information (local transportation, restaurants, leisure,...)
 Maps (seven maps at various scales)
 Conference venue (address, telephone,...)
 Information for speakers (timing, projection equipment, posters)
 Scientific program
 List of participants
 Hotel reservations

 Conference sponsors and acknowledgements
 Dossier de presse

 Latest information (May 21)

 Visa form Payment by Eurocheques  Deadline for registration

 Registration and hotel reservation form  Bank information

 Home web page for Walter Pauls 
        Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, France. June 30-July 3, 1998

Saint Jean Cap Ferrat is a well-known small mediterranean resort
located between Nice and Monaco (about 30 mn by car from a major
international airport). The conference will be held at the
"Mediathèque" on the harbor. Evening events will enable the local
population (2000) to interact with the scientists.


The seventh European Turbulence Conference, held under the auspices of
the European Mechanics Society and of the European Research Community 
on Flow Turbulence and Combustion, will be devoted to fundamental 
aspects of fluid turbulence that are of interest to engineers, 
physicists and mathematicians. Contributions are invited, particularly 
those reflecting new concepts, new methods and new data. Abstracts for 
such contributions are requested in the following general areas :

* Experiments and experimental techniques
* Transition
* Numerical simulation and modelling       
* Intermittency                           
* Industrial and other applications
* Vortex dynamics                          
* Geophysical and cosmic turbulence        
* Turbulent transport and mixing

Eight invited plenary lectures will be presented by :

S. Fauve (ENS, Lyon, France)
K. Gawedzki (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette., France)
E. Hopfinger (LEGI, Grenoble, France)
L. Kadanoff (Univ. Chicago, USA)
H.K. Moffatt (Cambridge University, UK)
P. Monkewitz (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
D. Laurence (EDF, Chatou, France)
A. Yaglom (MIT and Inst. Atmosph. Phys., Moscow)


The selection and presentation at the conference will be made by the
Euromech Turbulence Conference Committee (ETCC) on the basis of the
abstracts received by the strict deadline of November 17, 1997
(please, take into consideration that postal delays may be long). The
scientific program will feature Long (L) and Short presentation with
poster (S). Preferences "L" or "S" can be indicated (in the
pre-registration form) but are not binding : the duration of these
presentations will be decided upon when the final program is made.
The length of the abstracts is limited to two pages and it is
recommended that this should include a figure illustrating the main
point of the contribution. The name of the person presenting the paper
should be underlined.

Please send 11 (ELEVEN) copies (this number is needed for the
refereeing procedure) and use two-sided copying.  Abstracts, TOGETHER
WITH a completed pre-registration form (found at the end of the
present document) should be mailed to :
          ETC-7 (V. Cheron)
          B.P. 4229
        F-06304 Nice Cedex 4
Abstracts should NOT be submitted by email but authors are encouraged,
after having mailed the material, to inform us by sending a short message to 
etc7(at)obs-nice.fr stating that an abstract has been mailed (include 
title, authors and date of postal mailing). This message should 
have the subject: abstract.info

Additional information on abstract submission is available on the web

November 17, 1997 : abstracts received
January 31, 1998  : authors informed about acceptance
March 16, 1998    : final date for reception of the manuscripts of 
                    accepted papers that are to be published in the 
                    Proceedings volume, published by Kluwer,
                    available on June 29, 1998 (evening), 
                    the recommended time of arrival.


The registration fee - which covers participation, coffee breaks,
lunches, the banquet, a hard-bound copy of the Proceedings - is 
2000 FF (with a ten percent discount for EUROMECH and ERCOFTAC members)
when sent before April 10, 1998 (a ten percent surcharge is applied
after this date). In January 1998, all pre-registered persons will
receive by post and by email the final registration form and the hotel
reservation form, together with details on the various methods of
payment available.


Limited funds are available for partial support to young scientists
and/or scientists from eastern european countries when insufficient
financial support is available from their own institution. Such
support can be considered only for participants with an accepted
paper. Applicants for such support should include, with their abstract
submission material, a letter to the ETC-7 Organizing Committee,
entitled "Application for financial support". This letter should
include the full name, age and professional position of the applicant,
the name of the advisor (if the applicant is a student), the amount
requested in FF (as of September 1997, 1 US$ is about 6 FF) and an
explanation (not more than ten lines) of why financial support is


Scientific Committee (ETCC) :

R. Benzi (Rome, Italy), T. Bohr (NBI, Copenhagen, Denmark),
I. Castro (U. Surrey, UK), C. Dopazo (Zaragoza, Spain), 
H. Eckelmann (Goettingen, Germany), U. Frisch (Nice, France), 
D. Henningson (Bromma, Sweden), 
P. Huerre (Ecole Polytech., Palaiseau, France), 
P. Monkewitz (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), 
F.T.M. Nieuwstadt, Chairman (Univ. Delft, Netherlands).

Regional Organizing Committee :

F. Anselmet, P. Clavin, A. Favre, U. Frisch (organizer),
J. Pacheco, A. Pouquet, A. Pumir, P.-L. Sulem.

The conference is organized by the "Observatoire de la Côte 
d'Azur" in  collaboration with other institutes of the Region
"Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur" working on turbulence.

Logistics (hotels, ...) :

  Atout Organisation Science
  106 Corniche Kennedy
F-13007 Marseille, France
Tel. +33-4-91 52 75 10
Fax: +33-4-91 52 93 73
Email: atoutsci@aix.pacwan.net

Inquiries on administrative matters : Valerie Cheron
(vcheron(at)obs-nice.fr  tel. +33-4-92 00 30 54, fax: +33-4-92 00 31 21)
Inquiries on scientific matters : Uriel Frisch
(uriel(at)obs-nice.fr    tel. +33-4-92 00 30 35, fax: +33-4-92 00 30 58)
Detailed information on ETC-7 is available on the web at 

* Always include this form with the abstract submission material.

* If you wish to participate and have not yet sent us the ETC-7
"response form" (which was distributed in the Spring of 1997), please
detach, complete and email the following form immediately to :

* If you have already sent us the ETC-7 "response form", please DO NOT
send us the pre-registration form by email, unless your address or
email has changed.

Thank you for using pure ASCII (no accents) and for avoiding any
encoding such as BinHex.

      Enclose with abstract submission material 
      and/or email to etc7(at)obs-nice.fr
      whenever appropriate (see instructions above)

Please capitalize your last name.
Telephone and fax information should have the following format :
+country code - area code - local number
(do not include 0 in the area code if used only in national calls)








I wish to pre-register for ETC-7 

Are you submitting an abstract? (check one using X)  __Yes   __No
If the answer is "Yes", indicate (optional) :
* which of the eight general area(s) it pertains to :

* preference for Long presentation (L) or Short with poster (S) : 

Did you already email us the ETC-7 response form ? __Yes __No

If the answer is "Yes", do you want the information in the present form 
to replace the preceding one? __Yes __No 
(the normal reply is "No", unless your address or email has changed)

Research interest (optional) :

             Document last edited June 13, 1998